Pretty, affordable jewelry storage
Its kind of funny because I never really considered myself a jewelry person. I was surprisingly wrong once I started rounding up all the pieces I had in my closet, bathroom, and other random places. I needed a place to put everything so I started looking for pieces I could use for storage at yard sales and the thrift store. All my pieces are eclectic and don’t necessarily match but I think they look good all grouped together.What do you think??
Here come ALOT of pictures!
I got the mirror from TJ Maxx for 7.00 and the gold tray for 1.00 at a yard sale and put them together.
I found the ring holder for 1.50 at the thrift store.
The scalloped cream and gold bowl, a Lennox piece, for 4.00.
The little cream and gold stand, another Lennox piece, was 3.00 at the thrift store. Its my favorite piece!!
I painted the little white bowl, I got it from my kitchen.
A target clearance find, it was 3.00 I think.
3.00 candleholder at a yard sale, from Target, was perfect since they only had one.
I don’t own alot of necklaces because I am allergic to most of the metal so I don’t need alot of storage for that.
I love the way it is all displayed now because jewelry is pretty and should be seen, right?!