• Food…


    I am not really sure what this blog is going to be focused on yet…I have another one for cakes. I don’t know if I should family/sisters or food! For my family they seem to go hand in hand. Any suggestions are welcome! Except I don’t have any followers….sad. Anyway,…

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  • Sisters…


    I come from a family of 9, yes NINE! girls and 2 boys. As we have gotten older its amazing to see how we are all changing, growing, and adjusting. One thing that we all have in common is our love and appreciation for food! We are all willing to…

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  • Its a new day!


    I feel like I can do anything as of late! I don’t know if its all the inspirational blogs I have been reading, mental clarity due to my cleanse, or if I am just bored! Either way, while it is a bit daunting to know there are MANY stay at…

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  • Hello!


    I am new to the blogging world, but I have enjoyed so many so far that I couldn’t help but participate!

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