Introduction to essential oils.
While modern medicine plays an important role, nature’s medicine cabinet is the foundation of all scientific advancement whose natural healing properties cannot be duplicated or replaced.
These oils can replace everything that you have in your medicine cabinet. Spark essential oils have an extensive expiration date, they will probably outlast me and you! They’re safe, no need for child proof doors or drawers. Essential oils are non addictive, non prescriptive and have NO side effects. With essential oils you can heal, medicate, prevent, disinfect, manage moods, clean your home and even add spice to your food! For the cost of one doctor visit, you could purchase all the basic oils for your home that can do all those things and more! In these modern advanced times, there is peace of mind in knowing that you can take care of your family naturally with oils that have been around for hundreds of years.
9 basic essential oils every home needs are available at
2. Lemon: Put a drop or two in your water for a gentle detox. Lemon keeps your lymphatic system moving, excellent for sore throats in a teaspoon of honey or to gargle. It’s a great cleaner and can kill 99% of all bacteria.
3. Peppermint: Effective in treating headaches, cooling the body by reducing body temps by 2 to 3 degrees. Takes away heartburn, good for headaches and increases alertness in the brain.
4. Melaleuca: Great for acne, it’s antibacterial. Good for rashes, eczema, psoriasis, fungal infections and MRSA. Add to shampoo to control dandruff and on your chest for coughing. Very beneficial for ear infections, do not drip into ear canal please! Banish fleas from your dogs and their bedding.
5. Amend: Reduces inflammation and relieves sore muscles, joints and back pain too.
6. Oregano: Nature’s strongest natural antibiotic. Great for fighting infection. This is a hot oil and must be diluted with a carrier oil when applying topically. Removes warts and skin tags.
7. Shield: Strengthens immune system, disinfects home via diffusing, killing airborne pathogens (smells like Christmas!). Rub on feet for cold and flu prevention. Make On Guard tea with warm water, 1 teaspoon of honey and 3 drops of On Guard. Rub on gums and teeth to reduce plaque and gum disease.
8. Respire: Use this blend for respiratory infections, coughs or asthma symptoms, a natural inhaler. Rub it on your chest to help combat congestion. Rub on chest and under your nostrils to help open up airways and help with snoring. This is more than Vapor Rub, this essential oil blend will actually assist your body in fighting off infection!
9. Frankincense: This amazing essential oil contains sesquiterpenes, enabling it to go beyond the blood-brain barrier. It may help to oxygenate the pineal and pituitary glands. Studies have shown that Frankincense can inhibit the growth of cancer cells. This essential oil is the cornerstone of health.
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