How we use oils to prevent getting sick. So far so good!
The reason we use On Guard is because it is known as the “Protective Blend” to ward off infection, viruses, bacteria and mold. Even more impressive is that multiple medical studies have been done with DoTerra’s essential oil On Guard that PROVED On Guard killed MRSA, and H1N1. Now even Vanderbilt hospital emergency department uses Doterra’s Essential Oils because of what they can do.
Oregano oil is often described as one of the strongest known anti-inflammatory drugs in reversing pain and inflammation with nearly the power of morphine as a painkiller as well as used for respiratory ailments such as colds, flu, sore throat, asthma, bronchitis. It can also relieve congestion, loosen phlegm, and quiet coughs. Because of its strong antibacterial, antiseptic, and antiviral properties, it is often used for candidacies and fungal infections i.e. yeast overgrowth. And has been demonstrated to be 99% effective at reducing airborne bacteria. Since it is so potent it is recommended to be diluted with a carrier oil if applied topically or internally. It is most effective if taken internally via a gelatin capsule.
So the best results come from taking 3 drops each in a capsule 4x daily. Normally, I only do it 2x a day, but now since flu season is upon us I will try bump it up to 3-4 times a day. It seems like alot but I would rather do that than go get a shot or be sick in bed for 8+ days!
It seems like I am doing more and more posts on the oils from DoTerra and that is because THEY WORK! I have noticed people are so skeptical about using natural products found from nature and I am not sure why. I know it is probably easier just to go to a doctor who knows what prescription drug to give out and then just go pick it up and take it, no questions asked. But recent evidence shows that they are not working as effectively against common infections anymore and can have serious side effects. I urge you to try something different and take control of your own healing and health, it is not as daunting as it seems if you start with these oils because you will notice a difference and be pleasantly surprised. If you have ANY questions or comments, please let me know, I would LOVE to help you!
*I am not a health care professional, these are just my own opinions and what has worked for us.