How and where to buy DoTERRA Essential Oils

There are three ways you can buy Doterra Essential Oils
1. Retail, thru me here at my store which is pretty easy, just go to shop for products.
2. Preferred member. Which means that if you don’t think you will only order occasionally, not every month. This membership is 10.00 with a lifetime discount of 20% on all Doterra products(for 10.00 bucks!!) You just need to log in every time you place an order. Again, pretty easy.
3. Wholesale member, in my opinion this is the best option if you think you are going to use the oils often and become interested in all the other amazing products, like skincare, toothpaste, vitamins, and so on. When you are a wholesale member you pay an annual membership of $35 the first year and a $25 annual renewal with a bonus Peppermint essential oil to thank you for your membership. You also receive the wholesale discount of 25% off all products and access to extra product bonuses as well as potential income options. There are 13 enrollment kits all of which include the price of the Wholesale Membership.
With the wholesale membership you become a Independent Product Consultant (if you wish, not mandatory) along with their own Virtual Office that helps place orders, track shipping, sign others up under them and much more. You can place a Standard Order or begin a Loyalty Rewards Program Template that will send you your selection of product every month. You can read more about the Loyalty Rewards Program here. I highly recommend it.
Whats so great about Doterra is that it is so flexible to your needs, whether you use them periodically, regularly, or sell the products(which is the business side to it) If you think that this would be something that woul fit your lifestyle please drop me a message and I will help send you on your way to a more natural way of life and healing!
Or click here to enroll and sign up yourself!
Ava Treu
January 10, 2013 at 4:53 am
This is so awesome Noni!! I enrolled with the premier kit and love love love it! I wish i would've gotten the biggest kit they have because I have bought all the oils anyways! This is a great way to take care of your family naturally, safely, and affordably because they last forever.