Homemade salve with Tropical Traditions Coconut Oil
Just making some salve today because I am out and I seriously use it for everything. Its my lotion, deodorant, anti-aging cream, healing stick, diaper ointment, chapstick, headache relief, the list is long. What makes it so special is this coconut oil
I have tried other great coconut oils but this is my favorite and now I can’t go back to the other ones I was using. Each coconut that these organic, family farmers use are handpicked so only the best are used. It has a different taste than any other oils I have had, but I like it, it tastes less processed for some reason. I also put it in or on my food whenever I can. I give my kids a tablespoon a day, on a spoon or in their smoothies and they don’t have a hard time taking it. I know you know how great
coconut oil is for you so I won’t go into that but each oil is processed so differently and in my opinion this is the best I have found! Gold Label Coconut Oil is made by a very unique process. Most other brands of organic coconut oils have been cold expeller pressed in a machine that squeezes the oil from the coconut while controlling the temperature so it doesn’t heat up and “cook” the oil. The Gold Label coconut oil is made by hand. This is from the Tropical Traditions website:
“The fresh coconut meat is shredded (wet milled), and then cold-pressed using the water from inside the coconuts to make coconut milk. The milk is then allowed to sit for about half a day, while the oil naturally separates from the heavier water. The oil is then filtered from the curds (coconut solids)
If you have been wanting to try coconut oil but don’t know where to start, I recommend Tropic Traditions!