Getting back into the swing of things…
I am sitting here trying to type coherent thoughts and trying to stay focused and trying to make sense even though everything in my brain is scrambled right now. I don’t know why but I feel like the older I get the harder it is to stay focused on one thing. Laundry is killing me. Dinner? Do we really have to eat tonight? And blogging……oh man. I love my website’s makeover, done by the ever so sweet and talented Michelle over at michelleleacreative.com but even that hasn’t been enough to swallow my fears and jump right back into it. The more I am on Instagram, FB, and Pinterest the more I think of the why me’s? Why would someone want to see my little DIY’s, attempts and….stuff?! I don’t care you guys. I am going to stop being on ALLL the media ALLL the time and try not to get distracted or down on myself for what I am trying to accomplish. It is a great big world and I believe there is room for us all. If you are feeling this way, stop it right now and join me!! We can do it together, we got this!!
XO, Noni