Essential Oils for Pets too!
I saw this on Pinterest and thought it was a great idea because dogs get hot in the summer just like us so why not add essential oils while keeping them hydrated and cool? Genius!! Surprisingly, dogs like essential oils. Here are a few that would be very helpful to your furry friend:
Peppermint– Inflammation, Heatstroke, Muscle Pain, Ulcers, Asthma, Bronchitis, Diarrhea,
Frankincense- Infections, Insect-Snake bites, Scarring, Tumors, Warts, Anxiety, Colitis, Inflammation
Lavender-Abscesses, Anxiety, Allergies, Burns, Conjunctivitis Inflammation, Tumors, Vertigo, Wound Care
Lemon: Anxiety, Electrolyte Balance, Immune Boost, Infections, Lymph Function, Claw Strength
Helichrysum: Bleeding, Liver Issues, Nerve Damage, Wound Care
When using essential oils for animals just remember you can treat them just like you would to yourself, but it all depends on the age, size and dosage. The best place to put most of them is on the paw and between toes but they can be used aromatically, topically, and internally.
What you do you think? Would you ever try oils on your pets?
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