DoTERRA’s Digestzen essential oil
Many essential oils have been recognized through research as powerful agents to help restore normal balance in the digestive system. DigestZen® takes advantage of these well-established therapeutic compounds in a proprietary blend of pure essential oils. Ginger, peppermint, tarragon, fennel, caraway, coriander and anise each have specific attributes which add to the overall efficacy of this potent blend. When used internally, dōTERRA®’s DigestZen brings soothing digestive relief.

I can attest to the effectiveness of this oil. When I was in my first trimester I was so BLOATED all the time and was miserable!! I used this oil at least twice day. It helped with nausea too and have heard it has helped with heartburn. I am 40 weeks yesterday and still have not had heartburn with this pregnancy so I have never tried it for that. I would just put 2-3 drops in a 8 oz glass of water it doesn’t taste that great but you get used to it, its so cooling going down! You can also rub it on your belly or your feet if you can’t handle the taste, but I think it works better if you drink it!
If you are interested in DoTERRA essential oils just click on the image up at the top right or the ‘how to order doterra oils’ link to the right.

I can attest to the effectiveness of this oil. When I was in my first trimester I was so BLOATED all the time and was miserable!! I used this oil at least twice day. It helped with nausea too and have heard it has helped with heartburn. I am 40 weeks yesterday and still have not had heartburn with this pregnancy so I have never tried it for that. I would just put 2-3 drops in a 8 oz glass of water it doesn’t taste that great but you get used to it, its so cooling going down! You can also rub it on your belly or your feet if you can’t handle the taste, but I think it works better if you drink it!
If you are interested in DoTERRA essential oils just click on the image up at the top right or the ‘how to order doterra oils’ link to the right.