CIH One Room Challenge Guest/Boys Bedroom Week 6
For the first time ever, the ORC has extended the reveal date to seven weeks, in order to accommodate our fellow designers in Texas, Florida and California affected by all the tragic hurricanes and fires. So now the final completion date and big reveal of my Guest/Boys Bedroom makeover will be on Thursday, Nov. 16th!
So this week I have been finishing up smaller and more tedious projects. I have done a lot of painting and stripping. Everything is coming together and I am anxious to see how everything is going to look together. Hopefully ok, I am not a professional designer and my budget is always so tight. Here are a few peeks at a couple of things I am working on or have finished.
So I had this sweet nightstand from awhile ago and my son did his very best artwork on it with a permanent marker. It was actually free from a neighbor as he was hauling it to the trash, I saved him a few steps.
P.s. how pretty is that floor?
I actually used this awesome stripper,Citri-Strip that I use for pretty much anything that needs to be repainted or stripped, its awesome. You just paint it on, scrape it off and then sand if you need to. I am totally going for that ‘raw’ look, does it pass?
I lightly brushed this pickling stain on it and then wiped most of it off just to help tone down the yellow. The top and sides got a thicker layer since it’s not real wood in those spots. It still needs to be sealed, but I love the way it looks.
I also made a cover for this bed’s headboard. Levi was not interested in buying a new bed because this is part of a set and he drove 45 minutes to get it. Even though I like this bed, I feel like it really doesn’t match the room and I don’t like how yellow it looks so I just covered it with drop cloth fabric, pulling it tight and stapling it on the back. Easy to take off later if I want. I just bought one package of this poly fil, and it’s a double layer.
Similar batting here
Much better!
Another thing I’m working on is a cute little header over the closet, just something extra to make it more personal I guess. Isn’t it fun finding weird things and finding a way to use them?!
My lighting also came! I am SO excited about these! They are from Lamps Plus and I feel like they are such a great deal! For two even! Plus I can move them anywhere I want since they are plug ins.
I also did order a chandelier and it looks similar to this one, but you’ll have to come back next week to see what I chose.
It’s coming along! I hope you come back next week to see the reveal!
Disclosure: post contains affiliate links.
Hilary L Hahn
November 16, 2017 at 2:50 am
I will look forward to seeing the room once it is all complete.